Breast Cancer Terms
Breast Cancer Terms
Abdomen Belly.
Abemaciclib A targeted therapy used to treat secondary breast cancer. Its brand name is Verzenio.
Ablation Removal of or stopping a part of the body from working by surgery, hormone therapy or radiotherapy.
Abraxane A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer.
AC chemotherapy A combination of the chemotherapy drugs Adriamycin (also known as doxorubicin) and cyclophosphamide.
Adjuvant Treatment given after initial treatment, for example chemotherapy or radiotherapy given after surgery.
Adriamycin see Doxorubicin
Advanced breast cancer Breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast and the lymph nodes under the arm to other parts of the body. Also known as secondary, stage 4 or metastatic breast cancer.
Adverse effect an undesired or harmful effect of a treatment.
Alopecia Loss of hair from the head or body.
Alternative therapy Term used to describe therapies used by some people in place of standard medical treatment.
Anemia Too few red blood cells in the body. It may cause symptoms including tiredness, shortness of breath and weakness.
Anastrozole A hormone therapy and one of a group of drugs called aromatase inhibitors, used to treat breast cancer.
Anthracyclines A group of chemotherapy drugs commonly used to treat breast cancer. Examples include doxorubicin (also known as Adriamycin) and epirubicin.
Anti-emetics Drugs used to reduce nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting (being sick).
Areola Coloured area of skin around the nipple.
Arimidex A brand name for Anastrozole
Aromasin A brand name for Exemestane
Aromatase inhibitors Breast cancer treatment that works by reducing the amount of oestrogen in the body. A type of hormone (endocrine) therapy.
Ascites A build-up of fluid between the two layers of the peritoneum (a membrane that forms the lining of the abdomen).
Avastin see Bevacizumab
Axilla Under the arm, the armpit.
Axillary clearance an operation to remove all the lymph nodes (also called lymph glands) from under the arm (axilla).
Axillary nodes the lymph nodes (also called lymph glands) under the arm (axilla).
Axillary sampling an operation to remove some of the lymph nodes (also called lymph glands) from under the arm (axilla).
Benign Not cancer.
Bevacizumab A targeted therapy used to treat secondary breast cancer. Its brand name is Avastin.
Bilateral Affecting or about both the right and left sides of body. For example, a bilateral mastectomy is removal of both breasts.
Biological therapies see Targeted therapies
Biopsy Removal of tissue to be looked at under a microscope.
Biosimilars Drugs that are very similar, but not identical, copies of biological therapies.
Bisphosphonates A group of drugs for:
Reducing the risk of breast cancer coming back in post-menopausal women
Treating secondary breast cancer in the bone
Preventing or treating osteoporosis
Examples of bisphosphonates include sodium clodronate, zolendronic acid and ibandronic acid.
Blood cells tiny structures produced in bone marrow. Includes red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Blood count the numbers of red and white blood cells and platelets in a sample of blood.
Bone marrow Spongy material found in the centre of bones where red and white blood cells and platelets are made.
Bone metastases Also known as secondary breast cancer in the bone. Cancer that has spread from the breast to the bones.
Bone scan A test to help identify any abnormal changes, such as tumours, infection or fractures, in the bones.
Brain metastases Also known as secondary breast cancer in the brain. Cancer that has spread from the breast to the brain.
BRCA1 and BRCA2 People who inherit an altered BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene from either parent have a much higher risk of developing breast cancer and some other cancers compared with the general population.
Breast calcification Areas of calcium deposit in one or both of the breasts.
Breast care nurse Provides information and support to people diagnosed with breast cancer.
Breast-conserving surgery Also known as wide local excision or lumpectomy. The removal of the cancer with a margin (border) of normal breast tissue around it.
Breast density refers to the amount of fibrous and glandular tissue compared with fatty tissue in the breast. A woman has high breast density when there is more collagen and glandular tissue compared to fatty tissue in her breasts, and low breast density when there is more fatty tissue compared to glandular tissue and collagen.
Breast reconstruction Surgery to rebuild a breast after a tumour is removed.
Breasts Made up of lobules (milk-producing glands) and ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple). These are surrounded by tissue that gives breasts their size and shape.
Cannula A small plastic tube through which drugs are given into a vein, usually in the arm or hand.
Capecitabine A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Xeloda.
Carboplatin A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer.
Carcinoma Another word for cancer.
Cardiotoxicity Damage to the heart muscle causing the heart to become weaker and less efficient in pumping. Caused by some chemotherapy and targeted therapy drugs.
CDK inhibitors A group of targeted therapies including abemaciclib, palbociclib and ribociclib, often used alongside hormone therapies.
Cell proliferation an increase in the number of cells as a result of them multiplying and growing.
Cells The tiny structures that make up the tissues of the body.
Cellulitis An infection of the skin and tissue beneath the skin. People who have lymphoedema have an increased risk of cellulitis in the arm or chest area.
Chemoprevention A way to reduce the risk of a disease by taking medication. The drugs tamoxifen and raloxifene are available on the NHS for some women with an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
Chemotherapy Treatment aimed at destroying cancer cells using anti-cancer drugs.
Chest wall the muscles, bones and joints that make up the area of the body between the neck and the abdomen (belly).
Chronic A term used to describe an illness, disease or condition that is long lasting and generally slow to progress.
CISH (chromogenic in situ hybridization) A test for measuring HER2 levels in cancer cells.
Cisplatin A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer.
Clinical trials Research that aims to improve treatment or care for patients.
CMF A combination of three chemotherapy drugs – cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (5FU).
Cognitive impairment Difficulty concentrating or being more forgetful as a result of a cancer diagnosis or treatment. Sometimes called ‘chemo brain’ or ‘chemo fog’.
Complementary therapies A varied group of therapies, such as massage and acupuncture, used alongside conventional medical treatments.
Contralateral The other or opposite side, for example the contralateral breast.
Cording (also known as axillary web syndrome) Tight ‘cords’ of tissue stretching down the inside of the arm, which can occur after surgery to remove lymph nodes under the arm. Causes pain and restricts arm movement. Sometimes cords can be felt in the chest area too.
Core biopsy Biopsy using a hollow needle to take one or more samples of tissue for analysis under a microscope.
CT (computerised tomography) scan A type of scan that uses x-rays to take detailed pictures across the body.
CyberKnife see Stereotactic radiotherapy
Cyclophosphomide A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer.
DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) An early type of breast cancer where the cells have not yet developed the ability to spread out of the ducts into surrounding breast tissue or to other parts of the body. Sometimes called pre-invasive, intraductal or non-invasive cancer.
D-DISH (dual-color dual-hapten brightfield in situ hybridization) A test for measuring HER2 levels in cancer cells.
Denosumab (Prolia) A targeted therapy used to treat osteoporosis.
Denosumab (Xgeva) A targeted therapy used to treat the effects of secondary breast cancer in the bone.
DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) scan A scan that measures bone mineral density. Used to diagnose or monitor osteoporosis or assess the risk of developing it.
Diagnostic radiographer Someone trained to carry out x-rays and scans.
DIEP (deep inferior epigastic perforator) flap A type of breast reconstruction that uses the skin and fat between the belly button and the groin.
Differentiation A term used in pathology results, comparing the cancer cells to normal cells. Well-differentiated cancer cells look almost normal (a similar size and shape to normal cells); moderately differentiated cancer cells look less like normal cells (often larger and more varied shapes); poorly differentiated cancer cells look most changed and are usually fast growing.
Docetaxel A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Taxotere.
Dose Dense A chemotherapy treatment plan in which drugs are given with less time between treatments than in a standard chemotherapy treatment plan.
Doxorubicin A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Adriamycin.
Drug resistance the ability of cancer cells to resist the effects of a drug.
ECHO (echocardiogram) A type of ultrasound of the heart, to check how well it is working.
EC-T A combination of the chemotherapy drugs epirubicin, cyclophosphamide and Taxol (paclitaxel) or sometimes Taxotere (docetaxel).
EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) A type of protein found on the surface of cells. When there are higher than normal levels (known as over-expression) on cancer cells, they help the cancer to grow.
Embolism When blood flow is blocked, usually by a blood clot or air bubble.
Encapsulated Surrounded and encased. For example, an encapsulated breast implant has been encased by a build-up of dense, tough tissue, also called fibrous tissue.
Endocrine therapy see Hormone therapy
Endometrial cancer Cancer of the lining of the womb (uterus).
Epirubicin A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer.
Eribulin A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Halaven.
ER status ER positive (ER+) means the breast cancer has oestrogen receptors. ER negative (ER-) means the breast cancer doesn’t have oestrogen receptors (see Oestrogen receptors)
Everolimus A targeted therapy used to treat secondary breast cancer. Its brand name is Afinitor.
Excision Surgical removal.
Exemestane A hormone therapy and one of a group of drugs called aromatase inhibitors, used to treat breast cancer.
Expander implant A type of breast implant used in breast reconstruction. The implant is gradually inflated with saline (salt water) through a small port.
Faslodex see Fulvestrant
FEC A combination of the chemotherapy drugs 5-flurouracil (5FU), epirubicin and cyclophosphamide.
FEC-T A combination of the chemotherapy drugs 5-flurouracil (5FU), epirubicin, cyclophosphamide and Taxotere (docetaxel).
Femara see Letrozole
Fibrocystic A benign (not cancer) breast condition when multiple cysts or lumpy areas develop in one or both breasts.
Filgrastim A drug used to treat or prevent neutropenia. Its brand name is Neupogen.
Fine needle aspiration (FNA) Using a fine needle and syringe to take a sample of cells for analysis under a microscope.
FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridisation) A test for measuring HER2 levels in cancer cells. FISH negative (FISH-) means normal levels are present, FISH positive (FISH+) means excessive amounts are present, classed as HER2+.
Fluorouracil A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is 5FU.
Fraction Each radiotherapy treatment is known as a fraction. Treatment involves several fractions given over a few days or weeks.
Fulvestrant A hormone therapy used to treat secondary breast cancer. Its brand name is Faslodex.
Gamma knife see Stereotactic radiotherapy
GCSF (granulocyte-colony stimulating factor) A drug that boosts the levels of white blood cells in the body when they are low, for example during chemotherapy treatment.
Gemcitabine A chemotherapy drug sometimes used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Gemzar.
Gemzar see Gemcitabine
Gene Stores the biological information we inherit from our parents, affecting the way we look and how our bodies work and grow.
Goserelin A hormone therapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Zoladex.
Grade The system used to classify cancer cells according to how different they are to normal breast cells and how quickly they are growing.
HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) A protein involved in the growth of cells. Around 15–20 per cent of breast cancers have higher than normal levels of HER2 (known as HER2 positive) which helps the cancer to grow.
Herceptin see Trastuzumab
Hereditary Characteristics, conditions or illnesses that can be passed from a parent to their child through genes.
Hickman line Also known as a skin-tunnelled catheter. A fine silicone tube through which chemotherapy drugs are given. It’s put into a large vein through a small cut in the chest wall and can stay in place for several months.
Hormone receptor Involved in the growth of cells. In some breast cancers they bind to hormones within the cells (known as hormone receptor positive) and stimulate the cancer to grow.
Hormone therapy (also called endocrine therapy) Drugs that work in different ways to block the effect of oestrogen on cancer cells. Only used if the breast cancer is hormone receptor positive.
Hormones Chemical messengers produced in various organs of the body that control growth and reproduction.
HRT (hormone replacement therapy) A treatment containing female sex hormones – either oestrogen alone or a combination of oestrogen and progesterone – to help reduce menopausal symptoms.
Hypercalcaemia Higher than normal levels of calcium in the blood. Can be caused by secondary breast cancer in the bones.
Hyperplasia An increase in the number and growth of cells.
Hypocalcaemia Lower than normal levels of calcium in the blood.
IHC (immunohistochemistry) A test for measuring HER2 levels in cancer cells. A score of 0 or 1+ means the breast cancer is HER2 negative. A score of 2+ is borderline and a score of 3+ means the breast cancer is HER2 positive.
Imaging Techniques, including mammography, that allow doctors to get a detailed picture of internal body structures.
Immune response An automatic defence function of the body that recognises and protects it from infection and foreign bodies, for example.
Immunosuppression Reduced ability of the body to protect against infection and disease. Can be caused by chemotherapy.
Immunotherapy A type of targeted therapy that uses the body’s immune system to help it fight cancer.
Incidence Refers to how many people are diagnosed with a disease per year. It can be expressed as a number or as a rate, for example the number of people diagnosed per 100,000 of a population.
In situ (breast cancer) Breast cancer that has not developed the ability to spread outside the ducts, either within the breast or elsewhere in the body.
Infertility Being unable to get pregnant. May be temporary or permanent and can be caused by chemotherapy, for example.
Inflammation Swelling, redness or warmth caused by the reaction of body tissues to injury, infection or irritation.
Inflammatory breast cancer A rare type of breast cancer where the skin of the breast looks red and may feel warm and tender (‘inflamed’).
Infusion A method of delivering fluids or drugs, usually into a vein.
Intraductal see DCIS
Intramuscular (IM) Injected into a muscle.
Intravenous (IV) Injected into a vein.
Invasive cancer Cancer that has the potential to spread to other parts of the body.
Ipsilateral On the same side, as opposed to contralateral.
Kadcyla see Trastuzumab emtansine
Ki67 A protein found in cells. The higher the levels, the faster the cells are dividing and growing.
Lapatinib A targeted therapy used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Tyverb.
LD (latissimus dorsi) flap A type of breast reconstruction that uses the latissimus dorsi (a large muscle in the back just below the shoulder blade), along with skin and fat.
Letrozole A hormone therapy and one of a group of drugs called aromatase inhibitors, used to treat breast cancer.
Local recurrence see Recurrence
Local treatment Specific to an area of the body, for example surgery or radiotherapy.
Locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) Breast cancer that has spread to the chest wall or skin of the breast, or the lymph nodes around the chest, neck and under the breastbone, but has not spread to other areas of the body.
Lumpectomy An operation to remove an area of breast tissue. In breast cancer may also be called wide local excision or breast-conserving surgery.
Lymph nodes Also known as lymph glands. Small oval-shaped structures found in clusters throughout the lymphatic system, for example under the arm (axilla).
Lymphatic system the drainage and filtering system of the body, made up of lymph nodes (lymph glands), vessels and fluid. Helps to get rid of waste and fight infection.
Lympho-vascular invasion When breast cancer cells invade (spread into) the lymph and blood vessels within the breast and can be seen in these vessels under the microscope.
Lymphoedema Swelling of the arm, hand, chest or breast area caused by a build-up of lymph fluid in the surface tissues of the body. It can occur as a result of damage to the lymphatic system, for example because of surgery or radiotherapy to the lymph nodes under the arm and surrounding area.
Malignant Cancer (abnormal cells that divide and grow in an uncontrolled way).
Mammogram A breast x-ray.
Mastectomy This is a type of surgery in which all of the breast tissue is removed, including the nipple.
Metastases Another name for secondary breast cancer.
Methotrexate A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer.
Mets Short for metastases.
Microcalcifications Small deposits of calcium in the breast. They show up as white dots on a mammogram and are sometimes a sign of DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ).
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan A type of scan that uses magnetism and radio waves to produce a series of images of the inside of the body. An MRI doesn’t expose the body to x-ray radiation.
MUGA (multiple-gated acquisition) A scan using a small amount of radioactive material, to check how well the heart is working.
Multi-centric When there is more than one area of breast cancer in different quarters of the breast.
Multi-focal When there is more than one area of breast cancer but only in one quarter of the breast.
Navelbine see Vinorelbine
Neo-adjuvant Treatment given before surgery. Examples are chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Sometimes called primary, for example primary hormone therapy.
Neupogen A type of GCSF
Neutropenia When the number of white blood cells falls below a certain level. This may happen as a side effect of chemotherapy. If there is also a high temperature (above 38°C), it’s known as febrile neutropenia.
Occult breast cancer Breast cancer that can’t be felt or seen on imaging (for example, mammogram or ultrasound). It’s usually diagnosed when someone is being investigated for symptoms elsewhere in the body, for example enlarged lymph nodes. Sometimes a biopsy in another part of the body shows cells that look like secondary breast cancer cells, indicating there is a primary cancer in the breast, even though it can’t be seen.
Oestrogen receptors Proteins within cancer cells that attach to the hormone oestrogen and help the cancer to grow. It may be abbreviated to ER, from the US spelling estrogen.
Oligometastatic disease Small, isolated areas of secondary breast cancer that are stable (not progressing) and usually present in only one place in the body (oligo means ‘little’ or ‘few’).
Oncologist A doctor who specializes in cancer (oncology). A medical oncologist specializes in cancer drugs. A clinical oncologist specializes in radiotherapy alone or radiotherapy and cancer drugs.
Oncoplastic surgeon A breast cancer surgeon with training in plastic surgery.
OSNA (one step nucleic acid amplification) A test used during surgery to see if breast cancer cells are in the lymph nodes under the arm.
Osteopenia Decreased bone mineral density (a measurement of bone strength) but not low enough to be diagnosed as osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis Literally means ‘porous bones’. Decreased bone mineral density (a measurement of bone strength), meaning thinner, weaker bones that are more likely to break. It’s usually diagnosed with a bone density scan (often called a DEXA scan).
Ovarian suppression Sometimes called ovarian ablation. Stopping the ovaries producing oestrogen using surgery, drugs or radiotherapy.
Paclitaxel A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Taxol.
Palbociclib A targeted therapy used to treat secondary breast cancer. Its brand name is Ibrance.
Palliative care Focuses on symptom control and support when cancer cannot be cured. Usually involves a team of healthcare professionals such as specialist nurses, doctors, social workers and physiotherapists.
Palliative care consultant A doctor who specialises in palliative care.
Palliative care nurse A nurse specially trained to provide palliative care.
Palliative treatment Aims to control symptoms and slow down the progress of cancer, rather than cure it.
PARP inhibitors PARP stands for poly-ADP ribose polymerase. It’s a protein that helps cells repair themselves if they become damaged. PARP inhibitors stop the PARP from repairing cancer cells.
Pathology The branch of medicine that looks at how disease affects the body’s cells and tissues. Each time you have tissue removed a report is written by a pathologist (a doctor who examines the tissue).
Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) A tube put into a vein in the arm through which chemotherapy drugs are given. It stays in place throughout the course of treatment.
Perjeta see Pertuzumab
Pertuzumab A targeted therapy used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Perjeta.
PET (positron emission tomography) scan A scan that produces a 3D image to show the structure and function of organs or tissue being looked at. Sometimes combined with a CT scan.
Plastic surgeon A specialist surgeon trained in plastic surgery techniques such as breast reconstruction.
Portacath Also called an implanted port. A thin, soft, hollow tube made of plastic that’s put into a vein. The tube is attached to a rubber disc (port). Drugs are given into the port which is usually placed under the skin on the chest.
Primary breast cancer Breast cancer that has not spread beyond the breast or the lymph nodes (lymph glands) under the arm (axilla).
Progression The growth and spread of a disease such as breast cancer.
Progesterone A naturally occurring female hormone. It is essential for normal sexual development and the functioning of female reproductive organs.
Progesterone receptors Proteins within cancer cells that attach to the hormone progesterone (may be abbreviated to PR).
Prognosis The outlook of a disease, such as the likelihood of it coming back (recurrence) and the person’s life expectancy.
Prosthesis An artificial breast form used to restore shape when all or part of the breast has been removed.
Quality of life A term often used by healthcare professionals and researchers to refer to the well-being of patients during and after their breast cancer treatment. Quality of life can be affected by any of the experiences a patient has from diagnosis through to surviving breast cancer, including the physical, psychological and social implications of the disease and its treatment.
Radiologist A doctor who specializes in the use of imaging (for example x-rays, ultrasound, CT, PET, MRI) to diagnose and treat disease.
Radiotherapy The use of high energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells.
Reconstruction Surgery that rebuilds the breast shape after all or part of the breast has been removed.
Recurrence When a disease or condition returns. There are different types of breast cancer recurrence.
Local recurrence Breast cancer that has come back in the chest/breast area or in the skin near the original site or scar.
Locally advanced breast cancer (sometimes called regional recurrence) Breast cancer that has come back and has spread to the chest wall or skin of the breast, or the lymph nodes around the chest, neck and under the breastbone, but has not spread to other areas of the body. Sometimes breast cancer is locally advanced when it is first diagnosed. People who have locally advanced breast cancer are thought to have an increased risk of cancer cells spreading to other areas of the body compared to those with stage 1 or 2 breast cancers.
Distant recurrence Also called metastatic, advanced, stage 4 or secondary breast cancer. When cancer has spread from the breast to other parts of the body such as the bones, lungs, liver or brain.
Remission When the signs and symptoms of a disease partly or completely disappear. It may be temporary or permanent.
Ribociclib A targeted therapy used to treat secondary breast cancer. Its brand name is Kisqali.
Risk factor Something that increases a person’s chance of developing an illness such as cancer.
Saline implant A type of breast implant that contains a sterile liquid solution (saline). Used in breast reconstruction.
Secondary breast cancer Breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body such as the bones, lungs, liver or brain. Also called metastases, advanced breast cancer, secondaries or stage 4 breast cancer.
Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) A type of targeted internal radiotherapy that uses radioactive beads to deliver radiation to the cancer.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) Identifies whether the sentinel lymph node (the first lymph node that the cancer cells are most likely to spread to) is clear of cancer cells. Sometimes called sentinel node biopsy (SNB).
Seroma A collection of fluid that forms under a wound after an operation. It is a common and sometimes uncomfortable but harmless effect of breast surgery.
SGAP (super gluteal artery perforator) flap and IGAP (inferior gluteal artery perforator) flap Types of breast reconstruction that use fat and skin taken from the upper or lower buttock.
Side effect Unwanted effect of treatment.
Silicone implant A type of breast implant filled with silicone gel. Used in breast reconstruction.
Spinal cord compression Pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. It can be caused by the cancer growing in, or spreading into, the bones of the spine and can result in permanent damage to the spinal cord.
Stable disease The cancer has stayed the same size or has grown only a little.
Stage The size of the cancer and how far it has spread.
Stereotactic core biopsy Taking a sample of tissue using a needle biopsy device connected to a mammogram machine and linked to a computer. Helps locate the exact position of the area to be biopsied.
Stereotactic radiotherapy Also known as radiosurgery. A precise radiation treatment used in secondary breast cancer. May also be referred to as Gamma Knife or CyberKnife.
Steroids May be given as part of cancer treatment, for example to help with side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting, or to control some symptoms caused by cancer.
Subcutaneous injection An injection into the fatty tissue under the skin.
Supportive care see Palliative care.
Surgical margin How close the cancer cells are to the edges of the whole area of tissue removed during surgery.
Systemic treatment Drugs that treat the whole body, for example chemotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy.
Tamoxifen A hormone therapy drug used to treat breast cancer.
Targeted therapies Also known as biological therapies. A group of drugs that block the growth and spread of cancer. They target and interfere with processes in the cells that cause cancer to grow.
Taxol see Paclitaxel
Taxotere see Docetaxel
TENS machine A small portable device that uses adhesive skin pads to deliver small electrical impulses to help relieve pain.
Terminal A term often used when someone is approaching the last few weeks or days of life.
Thrombosis Occurs when blood forms a clot. If the clot occurs in a major vein, the condition is known as a deep vein thrombosis or DVT.
Tissue bank A place where tissue samples from patients are safely stored and used by scientists to study diseases such as breast cancer.
TP53 gene A gene that provides instructions for making a protein called tumor protein p53. Some people inherit an altered TP53 gene, which can result in a rare inherited cancer syndrome called Li-Fraumeni syndrome. This can increase the risk of getting breast cancer.
TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis muscle) flap A type of breast reconstruction that uses the large muscle that runs from the lower ribs to the pelvic bone in the groin along with skin and fat.
Trastuzumab A targeted therapy used to treat breast cancer. A well-known brand name is Herceptin.
Trastuzumab emtansine A targeted therapy used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Kadcyla.
Triple assessment An assessment to make a diagnosis of a benign breast condition or breast cancer. This has three parts:
A breast examination
Breast imaging (for example, a mammogram or an ultrasound scan)
Tissue sampling (for example, a core biopsy or FNA)
Triple negative breast cancer The name given to breast cancer that is:
Oestrogen receptor negative (ER-)
Progesterone receptor negative (PR-)
HER2 negative
TUG (transverse upper gracilis) flap or TMG (transverse myocutaneus gracilis) flap Types of breast reconstruction that use muscle from the inner or outer upper thigh along with skin and fat.
Tumour An overgrowth of cells forming a lump. May be benign (not cancer) or cancer.
Tumour markers Substances produced by cancer, or by the body as a response to cancer.
Tyverb see Lapatinib
Ultrasound scan A scan that uses high frequency sound waves to produce an image.
Vacuum assisted biopsy Used to remove breast tissue for examination under a microscope, often when a previous biopsy was difficult to perform or more tissue is needed to make a diagnosis. Sometimes it can be used as an alternative to surgery to remove a whole area of breast tissue (called a vacuum assisted excision biopsy).
Verzenio see Abemaciclib
Vinorelbine A chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. Its brand name is Navelbine.
Wide local excision (WLE) Surgery to remove breast cancer with a margin (border) of healthy tissue. Sometimes called breast-conserving surgery or lumpectomy.
X-ray Used to produce images of dense tissues in the body such as bone or lungs.
Xeloda see Capecitabine
Zoladex see Goserelin
Breast Cancer Abbreviations
5-FU 5-Fluorouracil (anti cancer drug)
6-MP 6-Mercaptopurine (anti cancer drug)
6-TG 6-Thioguanine (anti cancer drug)
ABMT Autologous bone marrow transplant
ADR Adverse Drug Reaction
AE Adverse event
AFP Alphafetoprotein – eg. expressed by germ cell tumours and other cancers.
AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
ALAT Alanine aminotransferase / alinine transaminase
ALT Alanine Aminotransferase
ANC Absolute neutrophil count
ANED Alive no evidence of disease
ASR Age Standardised Rate (Incidence)
AUC Area under the curve
BID / BD Twice a day (bis in die)
BM Bone Marrow
BM Blood Monitoring (eg for glucose)
BMJ British Medical Journal
BMR Basal Metabolic Rate
BNF British National Formulary
BP Blood pressure
BRM Biological Response Modifier
BSA Body Surface Area
BSE Breast Self-Examination
Bx Biopsy
C/O Complaining of
C/W Continue With
C1 – C7 Cervical vertebrae (spine eg. C7 = seventh cervical vertebra)
Ca Cancer; carcinoma
Ca Calcium
cALL Common ALL
CAT Computerised axial tomography (scan)
cc Cubic centimeter
CCF Congestive Cardiac Failure
CCR Continuous complete remission
CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen (tumour marker)
cGy Centi Gray (unit of radiation)
CHF Congestive heart failure
CNS Central nervous system – the brain and spine
CPM Cyclophosphamide (anti-cancer drug)
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CR Complete remission / complete response
CRA Clinical Research Associate
CRF Case Report Forms
CRO Contract Research Organization
CSF Cerebro spinal fluid
CSF Colony-stimulating Factor
CT Computerized axial tomography (scan)
CT Chemotherapy
CTC Common Toxicity Criteria
CTO Clinical Trials Office
CTX Clinical Trials Exemption
CUP Cancer of Unknown Primary / Carcinoma of Unknown Primary
CVA Cardiovascular Accident (stroke)
CVC Central venous catheters
CVP Central Venous Pressure
CXR Chest X-Ray
D/C Discharge
D/H Drug History
D/W Discussed With
DCIS Ductal Carcinoma In Situ – type of breast cancer
DDx Differential diagnosis
DFI Disease Free Interval
DFS Disease Free Survival – time without disease prior to relapse or last follow-up
DI Diabetes Incipidus
dl deciletre – 0.01 litres
DLS Date last seen
DLT Dose limiting toxicity – determined by phase 1 studies
DMC Data Monitoring Commitee
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA Did Not Attend (clinic)
DNR Do Not Resuscitate
DOA Dead on Arrival
Dx Diagnosis
EBM Evidence-Based Medicine
EBV Epstein-Barr Virus
ECG Electrocardiogram – heart scan
EDTA ethylendiaminetetraacetic acid – used in measuring kidney function
EEG Electroencephalogram – brain scan
EFS Event Free Survival – time from diagnosis to defined events (eg relapse or deat
EJC European Journal of Cancer
ENT Ear nose throat
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate
ETS Environmental Tobacco Smoke
F/H Family history
FBC Full Blood Count
FEV Forced expectorant volume (a lung test)
FFA For Further Appointment
FIGO Federation Internat. Gyn. Obst. (FIGO Gynaecological staging system)
FISH Flourescence in situ Hybridisation
FMTC Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
FNA Fine Needle Aspiration – a type of biposy using a thin needle (or FNAB)
FU Follow up
FVC Forced Vital Capacity
ggram – unit of weight
G-CSF Granulocyte colony stimulating factor promotes production of white blood cells
GA General Anaesthetic
GCP Good Clinical Practice (guidelines)
GCT Germ Cell Tumour
GCT Giant Cell Tumour Context: bone tumours
GFR Gromerular filtration rate
GI Gastrointestinal
GIST Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours
GM-CSF Granulocyte and macrophage colony stimulating factor
GPR Good Partial Remission
GU Genito-urinary
GvHD Graft versus Host Disease
GyGrays (units of radiation)
H&E Hematoxylin and Eosin (stain)
H/O History of
Hb Haemoglobin
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hormone)
HCO3 Bicarbonate
HD High dose
HDC High Dose Chemotherapy
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HPV Human Papilloma Virus – implicated in some gynacological cancers
HR High risk
HRT Hormone replacement therapy
I-131 Radioactive Iodine
ICD International Classification of Diseases (coding system)
ICDO International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (coding system)
ICF Intercellular fluid
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IM Intramuscular – into a muscle
IMRT Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy
INSS International Neuroblastoma Staging System
ITU Intensive Therapy Unit
IU International units
IV Intravenous – into a vein
IVP Intravenous Pyelogram – type of Xray after injection with iodine dye
JCO Journal of Clinical Oncology
K+PotassiumkgKilogram – a thousand grams
l liter – unit of volume
L1 – L5 Lumbar vertebrae 1 – 5 (spine eg. L1 = 1st lumbar vertebra)
LCIS Lobular Carcinoma In Situ – type of breast cancer
LDH Lactic dehydrogenase -high levels correlate with tumour volume in some cancers
LMP Low Malignant Potential (context: ovarian tumours)
LN Lymph Node
LP Lumbar puncture
LVEF Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction – a heart function test
LVSF Left Ventricular Shortening Fraction – a heart function test
Lx Lumpectomy
m meter (unit of length)
M/H Medical history
MAB – mAb Monoclonal antibody
MDR Multi drug resistant
mEq/l milliequivalent per liter
mets Metastases (where the tumour has spread to secondary sites)
Mg Magnesium
mg milligram – 0.001 gram
MI Miocardial Infarction
mIBG Radioactive Iodine Metaidobenzoguanidine (mIBG scans or mIBG therapy).
ml millilitre 0.001 liter
MM millimole
mm millimeter – 0.001 meters
mOsm milliosmole
MPNST Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour
MPO Medical and Pediatric Oncology (journal)
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging (scan)
MRT Malignant Rhabdoid Tumour
MTD Maximum tolerated dose – phase 1 studies
MTX Methotrexate (anti-cancer drug)
MUD Matched Urelated Donor – for bone marrow transplant
Mx Mastectomy
N/V Nausea and vomiting
NAD No Abnormality Detected
NBM Nil by mouth
NED No evidence of disease
ng nanogram – 0.000000001 gram
NK Natural Killer cells (large lymphocytes, part of the immune system)
NK Not known
NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance (scan)
NOS Not otherwise specified (see ICDO)
NSR non-significant result
NSR Normal Sinus Rhythem
O/E On Examination
OS Overall Survival
OS Osteogenic sarcoma (context bone tumours)
PBSC Peripheral Blood Stem Cell (see PBSCT)
PBSCH Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Harvest
PBSCR Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Rescue (transplant)
PBSCT Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant
PD Progressive disease
PDQ Physician’s Data Query (CancerNet)
PET Positron Emmission Tomography- a scan after a small radioactive injection.
PET Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor
PFS Progression Free Survival
pg picogram – 0.000000000001 gram
pH hydrogen-ion concentration – acid / alkaline
PH Past History
PNS Peripheral nervous system – nervous system outside the brain and spine.
PR Partial Responce / Partial Remission
PR per rectum
prn as required
prn whenever necessary (pro re nata)
QALY Quality-Adjusted Life Year
qid Four times a day (quater in die)
QoL Quality of Life
RBC Red blood cell / red blood count
RFS Relapse free survival – Time from diagnosis to relapse or death.
RT Radiotherapy
Rx Treatment
SA Surface area (see BSA)
SAE Serious Adverse Event
SC Subcutaneous
SD Stable Disease
SDV Source Data Verification
SGOT Serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase – a liver function test
SGPT Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase – a liver function test
SH Social history
SHO Senior House Officer
SIADH Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone
SNP Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
SOB Short of breath
T1 – T12 Thoracic vertebrae 1-12 (spine eg. T10 = tenth thoracic vertibra)
TAMs tumour-associated macrophages
TBI Total body irradiation
TCP Thrombocytopenia
tds / tid Three times a day (ter in die)
TNF Tumour Necrosis Factor
TNM Staging system – primary tumour
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TRK Transketolase
U&Es Urea and Electrolites
UA Urine analysis
ug microgram – 0.000001 gram
ULN Upper Limits of Normal
URTI Upper respiratory tract infection
US Ultasound (scan)
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
UVR Ultraviolet Radiation
VEF Ventricular ejection fraction (tests lung function)
VM-26 Teniposide (anti-cancer drug)
VMA Vanillylmandelic Acid
VP-16 Etoposide (anti-cancer drug)
WBC White blood cell count
WCC White cell count
WM Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia
XRT Radiotherapy (external)
YST Yolk sac tumour – (aka. germ cell tumour)
List of Acronyms of Cancer Organizations
AACR American Association for Cancer Research
ABPI Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
ABTA American Brain Tumour Association
ACDM Association for Clinical Data Management
ACRPI Association of Clinical Research for the Pharmaceutical Industry
AIOM Italian Association for Medical Oncology
AIRO Associazione Italiana di Radioterapia Oncologica
AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer
ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncology
ASH American Society for Hematology
ASTRO American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
BACR British Association for Cancer Research
BASO British Association of Surgical Oncologists
BMA British Medical Association
BNLI British National Lymphoma Investigation
BOA British Oncology Association
BODMA British Oncology Data Managers Association (UK)
CALGB Cancer and Leukemia Group B (USA)
CCG Children’s Cancer Group (USA)
CCRG Children’s Cancer Research Group (Oxford, UK)
CCS Canadian Cancer Society
COG Children’s Oncology Group (USA)
CRC Cancer Research Campaign (UK)
CSM Committee on Safety of Medicines (UK)
EACR European Association for Cancer Research
EANO European Association for NeuroOncology
EBMT European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
ECOG Eastern Cooperative Group (USA)
EOI European Osteosarcoma Intergroup
EORTC European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer
ESO European School of Oncology
ESTRO European Society for Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology
FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA)
FECS Federation of European Cancer Societies
GMC General Medical Council (UK)
GPOH Gesellschaft fur Padiatrische Onkologie und Hamatologie (German Paed. Onc Group)
IACR International Association of Cancer Registries
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
IASLC International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
ICARE International Cancer Alliance for Research and Education (ICARE)
ICCCPO International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations
ICCG International Collaborative Cancer Group
ICCPO Icelandic Childhood Cancer Parent Organisation
ICH International Conference on Harmonization (GCP)
ICRF Imperial Cancer Research Fund (UK)
IESS Intergroup Ewing’s Sarcoma Study (USA)
IMF International Myeloma Foundation
INFA International Neurofibromatosis Association
IPSO International Society of Pediatric Surgical Oncology
ISNCC International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
IWMF International Waldenstrom’s Maroglubulinemia Foundation
LREC Local Research Ethics Committee (UK)
LRF Leukaemia Research Fund (UK)
LRFA Lymphoma Research Foundation of America
MCA Medicines Control Agency (UK)
MRC Medical Research Council (UK)
MREC Multi-centre Research Ethics Committee (UK)
NAACCR North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
NABCO National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations
NCCF National Childhood Cancer Foundation (USA)
NCI National Cancer Institue (USA)
NCIC National Cancer Institute of Canada
NCRA National Cancer Registrars Association (USA)
NECCR North of England Children’s Cancer Research Unit
NKCA National Kidney Cancer Association (USA)
NNFF National Neurofibromatosis Foundation (USA)
NORD National Organization for Rare Disorders (USA)
NRCT National Registry of Childhood Tumours (UK) held by the CCRG at Oxford
OECI Organization of European Cancer Institutes
ONS Oncology Nursing Society (USA)
PONF Paediatric Oncology Nurses Forum (UK)
SCTN Scottish Cancer Therapy Network
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (USA)
SFOP French Paediatric Oncology Scociety
SGDM Study Group on Data Management (EORTC)
SGO Society of Gynecologic Oncologists
SIOP International Society of Paediatric Oncology
SNLG Scottish and Newcastle Lymphoma Group
SPOHNC Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer
SWOG Southwest Oncology Group (USA)
UICC Union Internationale Contre le Cancer – International Union Against Cancer
UKACR UK Association of Cancer Registeries
UKCCCR UK Coordinating Committee for Cancer Research
UKCCRG UK Children’s Cancer Research Group (Oxford)
WHO World Health Organization