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Questions about Metastatic Breast Cancer

1. Where in my body has the breast cancer spread?

2. What is my prognosis (chances for survival)? 

3. What tests will I need and how often? Why? Are there risks with any of the tests? 

4. What are my treatment options? Which options do you suggest for me and why? 

5. How long do I have to make a treatment decision? 

6. What are the possible side effects of this treatment(s)? How long will they last? 

7. Are there clinical trials I can join? If so, how can I learn more? 

8. What lifestyle changes will I have to make? 

9. Will I have any pain? How can I manage it? Will you refer me to a pain specialist? What other things should I expect? 

10. Where can I find a metastatic breast cancer support group? What support is available for my family? 

11. What happens if I choose to end active treatment?

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